ADHD & Gaming
Contextualizing the lived experiences of young adult Filipino gamers diagnosed with ADHD
This research study aims to gather insights and narrative descriptions of the experiences of young adult Filipino gamers with ADHD. Through this study, we hope to gain a better understanding of their unique perspectives and challenges.
We are looking for Filipino young adults (18-25 yo) who spend at least an hour playing video games per week and has been diagnosed with ADHD. We welcome casual, hardcore, and professional gamers to participate.
Participants will have a one-on-one interview with the researcher online via Zoom, for approximately 1-1.5 hours. They will receive a Codacash voucher worth 500PHP for their participation.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to gain narrative description and insight on the key features and impact of gaming as it is understood and experienced by young adult gamers diagnosed with ADHD. There will be approximately six (6) participants aged 18-25 who will be interviewed in this research.
Privacy and Confidentiality
This study ensures confidentiality and security of all information gathered. Data from the study will be stored in a password-protected device and secure cloud storage for backup purposes.
Only the researcher and their adviser will have access to this data. Audio recordings will be transcribed with the help of a transcriber, who will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) prior to receiving the files via email.
To maintain confidentiality, all identifying information in the original audio recording and auto-generated transcript will be redacted before processing. Participants will only be identified by pseudonyms.
The study results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented in national and international conferences and workshops. The study may also be shared with local and national government authorities to provide supplementary aid on legislation.
We are looking for casual, hardcore, and professional gamers who fit the following criteria:
a Filipino young adult between the ages 18-25 years
Plays video games for at least an hour per week
clinically diagnosed with Attention deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)*
speaks English and/or Filipino
has stable internet connection**
* confirmation of diagnosis will be based solely on the participant's self-disclosure and narrative report (medical records will not be collected)
** interviews will be conducted via Zoom video call
Participants will have a one-on-one interview with the researcher online via Zoom, for approximately 1-1.5 hours.
Participants can withdraw from the study at any time without penalty.
Interview questions are open-ended, and participants can choose which personal information to disclose. They can decline to answer any question or end the interview if they feel uncomfortable.
The interview will be recorded using Zoom's built-in recording feature and an auto-generated transcript. Only the audio recording and transcript will be saved for confidentiality purposes.
Participants may request a copy of the summary of study results via email.
Participants may be invited for subsequent interviews (1-2 sessions) and will be contacted via email.
Sensitive themes and negative life experiences may be brought up during the interview, but participants will not be forced to disclose details that make them uncomfortable.
In the case of discomfort during the interview, the researcher is qualified to provide immediate care and proper debriefing. After the interview, a 5-10 minute post-processing/check-in session will be done with the participants.
Participants will receive a list of references to free mental health resources.
Participants will receive compensation in the form of a Codashop Voucher worth P500 for their participation.
Participants can share their experiences and ideas on how gaming can be incorporated in managing ADHD behaviors.
The study can help therapists and clinicians formulate therapy interventions for managing gaming behavior in individuals diagnosed with ADHD.
The study can help parents, teachers, clinicians, clients, and the general public understand the interactions between gaming behaviors and ADHD symptoms.